Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu + AL.Ehtifal

Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu + AL.Ehtifal

August 24, 2024

Written by:

Dragoș Rusu

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A premiere in Romania: Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu and Al Ehtifal Project, in the Bucharest National Theatre Amphitheater Hall, on September 12, presented by MELODIY and The Attic, co-financed by AFCN

The tulnic ensemble from the Apuseni Mountains reunites with electronic music producer Milan Warmoeskerken on the stage of the TNB Amphitheater, for a premiere concert in Romania, in its full form. The evening will be completed by a concert of the Al. Ehtifal Project.

Milan W and the Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu will also play on September 15 in Brașov, at Bastionul Țesătorilor, from 8 PM. The event is financed from the budget of the Municipality of Brașov.


We are excited to announce a series of events curated under the fresh MELODIY project. Join us in Bucharest and Brașov for a series of events and a talk.

September 12 - TNB Amphitheatre stage (Bucharest)
• 20:30 - Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu
• 21:30 - Al.Ehtifal Project

September 13 - BAR TON (Bucharest)
• 17:00 - Talk: DIY Perspectives in Sound Research & Music Composition, with Anamaria Pravicencu and Milan W, moderated by Dragoș Rusu

September 15 - Bastionul Țesătorilor (Brașov)
• 20:30 - Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu

Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu

Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu
Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu
An all-women community who play the tulnic reside in the Apuseni Mountains. A tulnic is an archaic wooden aerophone instrument, up to three meters long, handcrafted from spruce. Its sound resonance is influenced by how dry or wet the wood is. Before playing the tulnic, the performers from the Avram Iancu village wet it in the river, finding the optimal level of wetness to emit the strongest sounds proves to be a challenge sometimes.

Historically, the tulnic began as a communication tool, being used for signalling the army to battle, ringing the bell, signaling shepherds, etc., and its musical valences appeared in the 19th century. Its sound was rarely recorded, being one of the few wind instruments for which there are almost no compositions.

Milan Warmoeskerken is an Antwerp based electronic music producer, active on the scene for almost a decade. He released several albums more than four years ago on imprints such as Jj funhouse, BAKK and Ekster. He has been making electronic music ever since he came in contact with it and has studied jazz guitar in his childhood. Besides running his solo project, Milan has been active with various bands in Belgium. His latest solo album, Leave Another Day, will be released in October at Stroom.

A composition in a modern, electroacoustic key for the tulnic was composed by the Belgian artist Milan W, in collaboration with the DJ and curator Dragoș Rusu for EUROPALIA festival, deconstructing and recomposing the tulnic sound in real time, using the synthesizer, and applying the whole sound spectre to new palettes of sounds, adapted to the archaic sounds that the tulnic is capable of reproducing.
For the first time in Romania, the ensemble of the 6 musicians: Maria Coroiu, Lenuța Fiț, Titiana Drăgoi, Eugenia Gavră, Mihaela Lazăr, Ramona Pogan and the producer Milan W will reunite on September 12 on the open stage of the TNB Amphitheater and on September 15 at Bastionul Țesătorilor in Brașov, for two unique concerts.


AL.Ehtifal Project is a musical ensemble based on the idea of integrating spontaneous thoughts into performance moments, as a way of communication. The word Al-Ehtifal comes from Arabic and it means The Celebration. The AL.Ehtifal Project challenges the dominant musical landscape and established norms through authentic forms of artistic expression, born out of the need for experimentation. The project has a flexible body of musicians from Romania, Siria and Iran: Andrei Raicu, Ariadna Ene Iliescu, Bogdana Dima, Lehel Vitalyos, Mohamad Zatari, Sara Eslami.
More information about tickets, soon!
About the Author

Dragoș Rusu

Co-founder and co-editor in chief of The Attic, sound researcher and allround music adventurer, with a keen interest in the anthropology of sound.

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